“Pulling the branch of a tree” — this is the literal English translation of Nelson Mandela’s Xhosa birth name, Rolihlahla. While Mandela proclaimed...
Johanna Lee
Johanna Lee is a Douglass Fellow and a third-year law student at Harvard Law School, where she has been involved with the Harvard Human Rights and Business Student Association, HLS Advocates for Human Rights, the International Human Rights Clinic, and the Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic. Johanna spent her 1L summer interning with the NGO Legal Support for Children and Women in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, helping address the issue of labor trafficking and exploitation of migrant workers in the fishing industry. This past summer, she provided direct legal services to survivors of human trafficking through her internship with the NGO Coalition to Abolish Slavery & Trafficking in Los Angeles, CA. Johanna holds a B.A. in Social Studies from Harvard College and a M.A. in Human Rights and Humanitarian Action from the Paris Institute of Political Studies.