Institute Launches Douglass Fellows Program to Develop Future Anti-Human Trafficking Leaders

by | May 7, 2017

McLean, Virginia – The Human Trafficking Institute is launching its Douglass Fellows program, inspired by Frederick Douglass’s commitment to freedom, education, law enforcement, and advocacy. This program will provide an opportunity for law students and exceptional graduate and undergraduate students to participate in a nine-month fellowship focused on providing resources to those currently combatting human trafficking around the globe and developing future leaders in the anti-human trafficking movement.

Fellows will serve from September through May each academic year and will be chosen through a competitive process based on academic achievement, leadership potential, research and writing ability, and demonstrated commitment to human rights and anti-trafficking efforts.

The program will consist of three components: Research, Mentorship, and Advocacy.

Fellows will have the opportunity to support the Institute’s research efforts to provide clear, data-driven materials for scholars and criminal justice practitioners engaged in combatting human trafficking. The Institute will also pair each Fellow with a mentor who currently works in the anti-trafficking sector, and each Fellow will coordinate an Institute event at their educational institution during their fellowship year.

Applications will be accepted through May 24, 2017. For more information and to apply, click here.

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