Leaders in the Anti-Trafficking Community to be Appointed to Key Advisory Councils in the Executive Branch

by | Nov 25, 2019


The White House recently announced President Donald J. Trump’s intent to appoint 10 new members to two key anti-trafficking councils: the U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and the Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking.

The U.S. Advisory Council on Human Trafficking is a formal platform for survivors to advise and make recommendations to anti-trafficking policies in the federal system. The makeup of the council currently includes seven survivors of human trafficking, each representing a broad range of backgrounds and lived experiences. The position has a two-year term limit.

This year’s appointee is: Bella Hounakey. Other members of the Council are Harold D’Souza, Robert Lung, Ronny Marty, Flor Molina, Bukola Love Oriola, Tanya Street, and Sheila White.

The Public-Private Partnership Advisory Council to End Human Trafficking exists to advise and provide recommendations to the President’s Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat Trafficking as well as the Senior Policy Operating Group. The makeup of the council includes up to 14 representatives from nongovernmental organizations, academia, and non-profit groups who have significant knowledge and experience in the anti-trafficking arena. The position has a two-year term limit.

This year’s appointees are:

Timothy Ballard, Founder and CEO of Operation Underground Railroad (O.U.R.), a non-profit dedicated to helping children enduring sexual exploitation. He previously spent more than a decade working as a Special Agent for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, specifically the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force.

Teresa Lynn Davidson, Human Trafficking Coordinator for Mercy Hospital in Cedar Rapids, Michigan. She is also the Co-Founder and President of World Missions Plus, a non-profit that raises awareness, support, and hands-on assistance to developing nations.

Bruce Deel, Founder and CEO of City of Refuge, a non-profit seeking to transform communities in and around Atlanta, Georgia, by providing mental health care, educational and vocational training, case management, and other services.

Jennifer Jensen, Founder and Executive Director of the Global Family Care Network, a non-profit working to protect families and at-risk children through supporting local community organizations, volunteer caregivers, and donors. One of the Network’s projects — the Daughter Project — focuses on caring for children who have been sexually exploited or trafficked.

Kevin P. Malone, President/Co-Founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking and Founder of the Protect the People Against Trafficking Humans (P.A.T.H.), organizations both committed to ending the sex slavery of minors in the United States.

Diana Mao, Co-Founder of the Nomi Network, a non-profit working to provide safe and sustainable economic opportunities to protect and empower women vulnerable to human trafficking. She is also a Co-Chair for the Nexus Human Trafficking Modern Day Slavery Work Group.

Sandra L. Morgan, Director of the Global Center for Women and Justice, a Vanguard University center focused on victim-survivor advocacy and education for vulnerable populations. She also currently serves on the Foreign Affairs Anti-Human Trafficking Advisory Committee.

Linda Smith, Founder and President of Shared Hope International, a non-profit dedicated to ending sex trafficking through prevention, restoration, and criminal justice reform. She also authored several books including From Congress to the Brothel and Renting Lacy and served for 10 years as a Washington State legislator.

Kristin Weis, Co-Founder of the Demand Project, a non-profit working to eradicate sexual exploitation, especially in children, through ending the demand for these types of illegal services.

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