On January 28th, Pepperdine University’s Sudreau Global Justice Program and the Palmer Center, in partnership with The Human Trafficking Institute, welcomed Annick Febrey, the Institute’s Director of Government and Corporate Relations, to speak on labor trafficking, supply chain transparency, and corporate accountability. The event was organized by Sarah Hammil, a 2018-19 Douglass Fellow, who is in her third year of law school at Pepperdine University’s School of Law.
The Institute’s Douglass Fellows program provides an opportunity for law students chosen through a competitive process to participate in a nine-month fellowship program focused on developing future leaders in the anti-human trafficking movement and providing resources to those currently combatting trafficking around the globe.
Labor trafficking is an important topic for students interested in business or corporate law as they will need to help guide the organizations they work for to make sure the company complies with upcoming laws and ones that are already in place. In addition, it is important to encourage corporations to have ethical supply chains.