UVA Robert F. Kennedy Fellowship Recipient Joins The Human Trafficking Institute

by | Sep 13, 2018

Cassondra (Cj) Murphy joined the Institute as a Robert F. Kennedy Public Service Fellow. This nine-month fellowship, established in 2007, enables new University of Virginia Juris Doctor (J.D.) graduates to start their careers as public service attorneys. It is named after the late Senator and Attorney General Robert Kennedy, a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, and provides competitively-selected fellows with a salary to work for a qualifying institution and eligibility to participate in the Virginia Loan Forgiveness Program. The Fellowship is funded by alumni and friends of the law school who support the fellowship’s mission of helping graduates pursuing work in the public sector.

Murphy is a 2018 J.D. graduate from the University of Virginia School of Law and was a member of the Institute’s inaugural Douglass Fellows class in 2017-18. As a Douglass Fellow, she conducted research on human trafficking cases in federal courts, co-drafted an amicus brief to the 8th Circuit Court, produced content for TraffickingMatters.com, and assisted with the creation of the first-of-its-kind Federal Human Trafficking Report.

“Fellowships are often seen like apprenticeships,” Murphy said. “It’s a way to get an entrance into the job you want. It offers flexibility and an opportunity to thrive in an office where you might not otherwise have an opportunity as an attorney.”

As a Kennedy Fellow, Murphy will support the Institute’s Douglass Fellowship, conduct research for the 2018 Federal Human Trafficking Report, and assist in the creation of materials for the Institute’s Global Human Trafficking Academy in October.

“From day one I loved being looped into the vision of the Institute, especially the value they place on shared relationships and generosity. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to further their mission, particularly as it relates to policy and international work. I’m looking forward to a great year,” said Murphy.

During law school, Murphy served as Assistant Managing Editor of the Virginia Law Review and a fellow in the Law and Public Service Program. Upon the completion of her Kennedy Fellowship, she will serve as a law clerk for the Hon. Charles P. Kocoras on the United States District Court for the Northern District of Illinois.

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