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#InContext: Michelle Obama

#InContext: Michelle Obama

Former First Lady Michelle Obama quickly became a role model and idol for young girls around the world when she embraced the role of First Lady with...

#InContext: Thurgood Marshall

#InContext: Thurgood Marshall

In the 1930s, African Americans in Texas were not allowed to vote in the Democratic Party primary. Local officials continued to turn away black...

#InContext: Hannah More

#InContext: Hannah More

Hannah More was born February 2, 1745, in Gloucestershire (near Bristol), England. Her father, a schoolteacher, encouraged More’s and her four...

#InContext: Albert Einstein

#InContext: Albert Einstein

By: MEGAN ABRAMEIT Albert Einstein grew up in a secular, Jewish family in Germany. Though born in Württemberg, Germany on March 14, 1879, he spent...

#InContext: Anne Frank

#InContext: Anne Frank

One of the most notable authors of the 20th century, Anne Frank has become a voice for the millions of victims of the Holocaust through her diary....

#InContext: Earl Warren

#InContext: Earl Warren

Earl Warren may not be a household name, but the effects he had on our country are felt to this day. Born to a Norwegian and Swedish immigrant in...

#InContext: Beth Clark

#InContext: Beth Clark

Beth Clark, co-author of Kisses from Katie and owner of Thinkspot Communications, remarks about Katie Davis Majors in the forward to her...

#InContext: Alexander Hamilton

#InContext: Alexander Hamilton

Few Founding Fathers faced the tragedy, hardship, and adversity Alexander Hamilton encountered throughout his life. Unlike many of his fellow...

#InContext: Lin-Manuel Miranda

#InContext: Lin-Manuel Miranda

Lin-Manuel Miranda opens his eyes, releases his grip from the metro handle, and walks through the doors of the train car as they open onto the...